High-quality subscription flow to attract more qualified subscriptions

"We want to build the new-gen health subscription, loved by pet owners and recommended by veterinarians"
Albéric de Béru
‍ProductManager at Dalma

Reinventing the subscription flow

Project type
B2C Insurance

Our team
1 lead designer

2021 - Web (mobile and desktop)

Dalma is a French startup on their way to reinventing pet insurance. After launching an MVP in the spring of 2021, we were asked to with rethink their pet registration flow to improve non-assisted conversion, reduce friction & promote better understanding of the service.

From discovery to delivery

The goal Dalma set for us was to launch something fast so they could have a clean base for new experiments. There was already a flow we could learn from, so we started by identifying frictions in the client-facing interface. We asked customer service for insights they got from users, and went digging into the data to identify where they'd drop most often.

Finding the right patterns

To create a more friendly and informative subscription flow for pet owners, we've conducted ideation workshops and benchmarked many key actors in the insurtech ecosystem and more globally the saas environnement.

With this starting point, we've been able to identify the main ideas that would allow us to offer a better experience (less friction, more guidance) and thus better performances (conversion rate).

Defining a seamless flow

We moved forward with a multi-step form, at first through low-fidelity iterations.
We tried out many, many combinations to come up with what would make the most sense for users.Which order to ask the questions in, but also what each screen contained.

Getting conversational

Since we're addressing pup parents, it was important for us to maintain a certain level of friendliness throughout the flow. We had to strike the right balance between the usual formality of an insurance subscription, and making it clear that their pet's health is important.

We tried a fully conversational flow but rejected it for technical constraints (it would have ended up frustrating as we'd have needed to limit the functionality too much).

We moved forwards on lo-fi iterations for a multi-step form + key screens to nail the UI direction.

Make the brand shine

We leveraged brand assets to bring a friendly touch to the subscription flow. By doubling down on illustrations, shapes, copy and animations, we ensured it would come off as distinctly Dalma.

Work on some key screens helped us nail the UI direction before expanding to all 180 screens.

Many UI components were created to reflect their visual identity and get the design system effort started within Dalma.

An immediate impact

Right after release, the flow implemented by Dalma engineers already drove more conversion. What's more, our solution offered a better process for owners of multiple pets by allowing to register them all at the same time. This led to an increase of pets added per subscription.

We put together some ideas of what to test out, so that the team could keep iterating on a regular basis through AB tests. In some cases, just switching out steps or adding a question led to surprising results.

In conversion within
the first steps and overall
I have subscribed to Dalma's health insurance and I am not disappointed. A very quick and understandable quote.
Helena (happy Dalma subscriber)
Increase in pets added
by a single user
"Delighted to have worked with you (and we hope this is only the beginning!).You've set the bar very very high, it really is night and day compared to other agencies!"
Raphael Sadaka
Co-founder at Dalma

Special thanks

We truly enjoyed collaborating with Albéric (Product Manager) and Raphaël (Cofounder and COO) and thank them for their trust.